Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) represents a form of governance based on smart contracts. It will serve as a platform designed for our players, investors, and partners.
Differences between profiles
Investors: Investors will have access to information related to the business. They will have a say in decision-making and strategic direction. From voting on new initiatives to fund distribution, investors have a say in every key aspect of our platform, ensuring greater transparency and participation at all times.
Players: Players will be able to express their opinions, propose ideas, and even influence some project decisions. For example, they will be able to decide how the community pool reserves are managed or how various seasonal functions are handled.
Access via NFT: To participate, you must own an NFT that fits your profile: investor or player.
Profile Management: Users will be able to manage their user profile, game settings, and custom preferences.
Messaging: Each person will be able to leave their message on discussion forums to express their opinions, suggestions, and comments.
Voting: Votes can be binding or non-binding. Binding votes have a legally binding impact on the development and operations of the game, while non-binding votes provide a platform for collecting feedback and suggestions from the community. Both types of voting are essential to ensure transparent and democratic governance, where each member has the opportunity to influence the direction of the project.
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